Custom Backing Track Avenue Q (musical)
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There's a Fine, Fine Line made famous by Avenue Q (musical) (Kate Monster & Lucy)
8 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Upright Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, String Section, Flute, Lead Vocal)
8 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Upright Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, String Section, Flute, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

If You Were Gay made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
11 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Banjo, Piano, Accordion, Glockenspiel, Clarinet, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
11 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Banjo, Piano, Accordion, Glockenspiel, Clarinet, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

I Wish I Could Go Back to College made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Piano, Trumpet, Trombone, Trombone, Tenor Saxophone, String Section, Flugelhorn, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Piano, Trumpet, Trombone, Trombone, Tenor Saxophone, String Section, Flugelhorn, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

Everyone's a Little Bit Racist made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Intro Count (Click + Key), Click, Drum Kit, Claves/Woodblock, Upright Bass, Piano, Pitched Percussion, String Section, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Clarinet, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Intro Count (Click + Key), Click, Drum Kit, Claves/Woodblock, Upright Bass, Piano, Pitched Percussion, String Section, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Clarinet, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

Schadenfreude made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
12 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Alto Saxophone, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
12 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Brass section, Alto Saxophone, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

Purpose made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Electric Piano, Electric Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Keys, Glockenspiel, Alto Saxophone, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
14 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Electric Piano, Electric Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Keys, Glockenspiel, Alto Saxophone, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track

The Internet Is for Porn made famous by Avenue Q (musical)
15 customizable audio tracks:
(Intro Count (Click + Key), Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Piano + Synth Keys, Harpsichord, Xylophone, Brass Instruments, Wind Instruments, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
15 customizable audio tracks:
(Intro Count (Click + Key), Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Piano + Synth Keys, Harpsichord, Xylophone, Brass Instruments, Wind Instruments, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
The musical