Who Are You - The Who - Custom Backing Track MP3
This title is a cover of Who Are You as made famous by The Who
Tempo: 77.565 BPM
In the same key as the original: E
This song ends without fade out
Duration: 06:19 - Preview at: 01:57
Please click the button below to reload the preview with the pitch {PITCH}.
About Who Are You
Release date: 1977
Format: MP3 320 Kbps
Rock, In English
Composer: Pete Townshend
All the content on our website is entirely reproduced by our musicians in studio. We do not use any parts of the original recordings and do not make use of AI stem separation technology in any way.
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ScorpioDragon 5 years ago
- has rated this track
Beautiful recreation of the synthesizer work by Pete Townsend. Overall, just a very well done job -
twinzzap21 5 years ago
- has rated this track
The over all level is way too low. I have to bring my faders up almost all the way. I think this one is worth a second look and listen on your end. -
twinzzap21 5 years ago
- has rated this track
You are missing some important iconic parts. Beginning Large cymbal crash! The arpeggio sweep that accents the entrance of the quiet section. Plus, the use of a real bass would have been a BIG PLUS! Still, not bad and exceptable. Hopefully, your team will fix the problems. -
garrybeatliveco 6 years ago
- has rated this track
Good but there is an arpegiator sweep/accent missing at the end of the quiet section in the middle i.e. just before the drums and guitar come back in the arpegiated guitar increases in volume and sweeps from left to right for 2 beats (or something like that). -
bobjimmyjohnsroa 6 years ago
- has rated this track
ramseylee 7 years agoClick could be better - on AND off beats.... (please think of us drummers making drumless tracks. Thanks
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