Custom Backing Track Slade

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Merry Xmas Everybody custom accompaniment track - Slade


Merry Xmas Everybody made famous by Slade
• 10 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Harmonium, Harmonium, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
My Oh My custom accompaniment track - Slade


My Oh My made famous by Slade
• 13 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Synthesizer, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Far Far Away custom accompaniment track - Slade


Far Far Away made famous by Slade
• 11 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Arr. Electric Guitar, Arr. Electric Guitar, Distorted Electric Guitar, Organ, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Everyday custom accompaniment track - Slade


Everyday made famous by Slade
• 10 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Piano, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Run Runaway custom accompaniment track - Slade


Run Runaway made famous by Slade
• 12 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Arr. Electric Guitar, Synthesizer, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
How Does it Feel custom accompaniment track - Slade


How Does it Feel made famous by Slade
• 15 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Arr. Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Organ, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Flute, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Medley custom accompaniment track - Slade


Medley made famous by Slade
• 13 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit + Percussion, Noise effects, Bass, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Synthesizer, Orchestra, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Gudbuy T'Jane custom accompaniment track - Slade


Gudbuy T'Jane made famous by Slade
• 11 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Cum On Feel The Noize custom accompaniment track - Slade


Cum On Feel The Noize made famous by Slade
• 8 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Acoustic Drum Kit + Hand Clap, Bass, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track
Coz I Luv You custom accompaniment track - Slade


Coz I Luv You made famous by Slade
• 12 customizable audio tracks:
(Click, Drum Kit, Tambourine, Body Percussion, Bass, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar, Violin, Woodwinds, Noise effects, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal)
Custom Backing Track